Arshad Amin Ranchi Jharkhand India Biography

 Hi there! I'm Arshad Amin, and I live in Ranchi, India.

I started my blogging journey back in 2016 with my YouTube channel, but it was a struggle to keep it up. By 2017, I had developed a website on—and now it's doing great! However, there were still a lot of problems with SEO and ranking factors that I didn't understand at the time.

That's when my family started pressuring me to get a job. They wanted me to focus on school, so they told me that if I didn't do well in college, they wouldn't be able to support me anymore. So, as you can imagine…they were pretty upset when I finished college and went back home with nothing but an idea for a blog site.

But no matter how hard it got sometimes—there was always someone there for me who believed in me or who would let me vent about whatever happened that day or week
